
Awkward times

- Have you ever crossed someone down a hallway which you don't really care enough to have a conversation with, and you find yourself stuck saying "Hi!" but after you do so, you realize you're both heading the same way. So to fix this, you kind of have to walk slower to make sure you stay far enough behind him so you can't have a conversation?

- Have you ever had to say goodbye to a group of friends which include a lot of girls, and it seems that each one has specific ways of saying goodbye (kisses on the cheeks, on the head, hug, etc...) and you can't tell if it would just be simpler or anyone will take it personal that you just wave goodbye?

- How about the time you look around when you're eating at a restaurant and accidently make eye contact with the waiter/waitress and for a split second, you don't know if you gave them a sign to come to your table or not?

- When you're driving around with friends, and you suddenly make a wrong turn but nobody points it out, and you try to find your way again but you it takes you through long detours and the longer it takes, the harder it is to conceal your mistake.

- Or what about the time somebody is talking to you in a crowded place but you can't hear what they are saying, so you make them repeat once...twice....and a third time, yet you still don't understand after the third, but it just feels akward to ask them to repeat once more so you simply node and say "Oh yeah!".

- When you've met somebody once, and couldn't remember their name. So you see them again, and you still can't remember their name, then a third time comes around and you have to introduce this moron cause you crossed him by accident...and you still can't remember their name, so you try to remember what it is and mumble the pronounciation and hope everyone understood.

- How about when you realize you simply hate you're friend's kids. They started to talk and they sound like retarted apes. How do you go about explaining that to them? "Hey Bill, you're kids have passed the adorable phase, can I shoot them now?"

- Anyone ever wondered if they wipe their ass' too loud in a public bathroom, someone might hear you?


At 15/3/06 3:28 PM, Blogger Portelance said...

Ahahaha... that made my day. Especially the last one, as you explained to me your phobia about that once. As a rule of thumb, I don't shit in public bathrooms, so I've never really thought about it. If I DO have to shit in a public bathroom, I hold it in until nobody is left in the room, and if somebody walks in halfway through, I just make sure I'm not letting out any loud noises somehow. It amazes me the noises people make when you walk into a bathroom and somebody else is taking a shit.

"Or what about the time somebody is talking to you in a crowded place but you can't hear what they are saying, so you make them repeat once...twice....and a third time, yet you still don't understand after the third, but it just feels akward to ask them to repeat once more so you simply node and say "Oh yeah!""

This happened to me in Sherbrooke a few weeks back. We were dancing at some bar, and near the end of the night, this chick taps me on the shoulder. I understood the first part of what she was saying: "Salut, es-ce que tu t'amuses?", but the second part was like a buzz. She was screaming in my ear, and the music was damn loud... not a great combination. I told her the first time that I didn't hear anything, so she repeated, yelling even more, and that just killed my hearing. I just kind of looked at her and nodded with a slight look of desperation. She looked really confused. Thinking back on it, I think she was saying that I was a good dancer, but I really have no clue. I was drunk and couldn't really think of a better way to make the communication less awkward. She was hot, too. :(

At 16/3/06 10:00 AM, Blogger Chartier said...

Ahahahaha, that sucks...

I just thought of something else, but it isn't exacly awkward: Ever had to take a shit during a power out at night? It makes it almost impossible to tell if you're done wiping or not, so you kind of try to figer it out using whatever light source is around.

"Better keep wiping...oh wait...that might be blood...might have OVERwiped. Damn it!"

At 16/3/06 11:31 AM, Blogger Portelance said...

In that case, you'd just use your finger and sense of smell... mmmmmm!


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