
Showing Off

All too often, I have heard ridiculous comments in music circles about bands that appear to be too talented. Reviewers and average joes alike often dismiss bands on the grounds that they must be show-offs because of their incredible virtuosity and musicianship. Specifically, I have heard this a number of times about certain progressive rock bands such as Gentle Giant. "Over-indulgent" and other terms come to mind, but I really don't understand the use of such adjectives. It seems to me that if you have talent, its best to showcase it in the best way you can. If a band is simply making technical noise with no pleasing attributes or underlying melody, it might be criticized as such, but calling music too technical, or musicians too talented makes no sense whatsoever. I'm of the opinion that the members of Gentle Giant were some of the most talented musicians in rock history. The music they made is challenging, complex, but melodic and beautiful all at the same time. It requires active listening, and an understanding of music, which many are not disciplined enough to do. This is not music to be listened to at a dinner party. Their music has been dismissed by a number of people who simply do not understand it, and therefore try to boost their egos by insulting or bringing down the music. How often do we hear that a famous painter, such as Renoir, Picasso, Francis Bacon, Rembrandt, etc. were over-indulgent show offs? How about Hemingway, Beckett, Conrad, Poe, or Shakespere, in literature? You don't, because those people would be called morons.


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